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Welcome to VPTTI

       Vivekananda Primary Teachers' Training Institute, self - financing institution under a registered NGO namely Vivekananda Loksiksha Niketan, recognized by NCTE to impart education and training on D.El.Ed & B.Ed.
    The D.El.Ed. course students in 2009 as per order (No. ERC/7-88.6(1).12/2008/12800, Dt. 30.08.2008) of NCTE and affiliated to W.B.B.P.E.( Memo No. 109/BPE/P/2009, Dt. 21.05.2009) with 5o intake. Later, additional intake 50 has been added to open Unit II of the existing course from thesession2016-17 as per order(No.ER210.6.36/ERCAPP2264/(D.El.Ed.(AddI.Intake)/2016/45725,Dt. 27.04.2016) of NCTE. From the same session 2016-17 additional course B.Ed with 50 intake has been granted by NCTE(Memo No. ER-2016.6.3.37/ERCAPP2277/B.Ed/2016/45817, Dt. 01.05.2016).
    The institute is situated in the coastal belt of the Bay of Bengal with nice seenic  beauty and  surrounded with a school complex, comprised of schools of Primary level, secondary level, Higher Secondary level and a special school for VH & MR including Higher secondary vocational courses.
    By the way , we may mention here that Vivekananda Loksiksha Niketan, the establishing authority of this VPTTI, also runs two other Teachers’ Training courses at Faridpur namely D.Ed. Special Education (MR) recognized by RCI and B.Ed. Special Education MR offiliated to Netaji Subhas Open University.
The institute has well equipped multistoried building having adequate library facilities ,ICT facilities, psychological lab, science lab, gymnasium facilities, two playgrounds, a superb  multipurpose hall and dignified suitable manpower to provide quality education to the would be teachers of next generation. Vivekananda Primary Teachers’Training Institute has two hostels, one for boys and the other for girls, It has also rest rooms for guests.
    This Institute publishes an annual magazine ‘Sambhabana’ that provides both the  students and the teachers an opportunity to explore their potentialities, talents and creative skills. It organizes various competitions, seminars, debates, different co-curricular activities and exhibitions for all round development of trainees.

Mission and Vision of Our College

Teaching facilitates learning. Teaching is a profession which lays the foundation for preparing the individuals for all other professions. It is the teacher who plays a vital role in the educational system. Various factors influence teachers' qualities. Among these the education & training during the teachers' education program affect the teachers' qualities most. A teacher should have favorable attitude towards the teaching profession and have a keen interest in teaching and teaching attitude refers to how the teacher think and feels about the ways in which he or she intends to act as a teacher. Swami Vivekananda is our ideal and the institute has also been named after the said saint, the ideal of youth of the cyber age. At present Vivekananda Primary Teachers’ Training Institute has been turned into one of the leading training institute in West Bengal. Major considerations relating to vision :- Intellectual : The institute organizes various curricular and co- curricular activities relating to the intellectual development of the learners . It also has the opportunities of proper exercise of mental efficiency of the faculties. Training:The institute organizes proper training regarding teaching, classroom management, various teaching skills for improving the quality of teachers' education. Access to disadvantages: The institution has  facility to reduce the course fees of the disadvantaged who are physically challenged. It also provides with due support to the disable for their project work, team activities, community services etc. Equality: Irrespective of caste, religion, sex, socio-economic status the institution provides equal status to all students, including the teaching and the non-teaching staff. All the legal actions are taken up by the institute are same to all. Self development: The teaching- learning activities in the institute are chiefly student centered. The institution provides ample opportunity to each and every learner for their creative self expression through preparation of teaching aids, participating in different co-curricular activities and managing different programs in the institute. Value orientation: Dissemination of value education among student-teachers and teacher-educators is one of the major goals of this institute. It regularly conducts prayer classes, discusses moral topics,organizes Saraswati Puja and celebrates, Teachers’ Day, Sharadiya Utsav, Raksha Bandhan, Independence Day, etc. Special thanks to our friends:

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Contact Details

Vivekananda Primary Teachers’ Training Institute

At. - faridpur, P.O. Dakshin Dauki, P.S. – Junput Coastal,

Dist. - Purba Medinipur,W.B, PIN- 721450

Phone : D.El.Ed - 7872321519,B.Ed - 7872323489

Nearest Railway Station: Kanthi,

Nearest Town: Contai,

Email: ,,


President's Desk

Teaching facilitates learning. Teaching is a profession which lays the foundation for preparing the individuals for all other professions. It is the teacher who plays a vital role in the educational system. Various factors influence teachers' qualities. Among these the education and training  during the teachers' education programme which affect the teachers' qualities most. A teacher should have favourable attitude towards the teaching profession and have a keen interest in teaching. And teaching attitude refers to how a teacher thinks or feels about the ways in which he intends to act as a teacher.

Our Objectives

  1. To impart quality education to the learners.
  2. To encourage innovative activities relating to teachers' training programme.
  3. To give proper training regarding techniques of teaching and classroom management.
  4. To provide ample opportunity to every learner for their creative self-expression.
  5. To organize community work, celebrating national red letter days, other festivals and birth day of national heroes to bring community development.
  6. To conduct gardenings, plantation, beautification of surrounding for ecological and environmental protection.
  7. To bring overall nourishment of thewould be teachers to make a favourable attitude towards teaching profession and also to make significant progress in quality to primary education in our society.